GiveCamp @ That Conference Wrap Up

August 2019 ยท 1 minute read

That GiveCamp Wrap Up

Another GiveCamp in the books. To all that joined us (in real life or in the clouds) we sincerely appreciate all of the contributions, ideas, gripes, complaints, suggestions or whatever you had to share. GitHub captured some evidence of all of this giving and tells us => excluding merges, 3 authors have pushed 8 commits to master and 8 commits to all branches. On master, 25 files have changed and there have been 5,069 additions and 4,914 deletions. We rocked out 21+ commits, closed 6 backlog items, and produced a couple thousand lines of code in just about 48 hours. Overall, we squashed bugs,conquered documentation, dominated backlog items, but most importantly, spread the message about binary giving. We could not have done it alone. Stay tuned for future GiveCamp events coming to a venue near you. This year continued our partnership with Humanitarian Toolbox and the Mobile Kids ID project for Missing Kids Minnesota. Checkout the backlog and some of the capabilities we are building on GitHub.
